SoarIndy is the largest soaring operation in Indiana.
We fly 3 club sailplanes in addition to 15 privately owned sailplanes based at the airport. Club members will be happy to show you the gliders, and answer your questions.
Operations may be suspended due to rain, low clouds and visibility, or high winds. If operations are cancelled it is not until noon and then updates are posted on the website and Facebook page.
During a typical season we make more than 1000 sailplane flights from the Alexandria Airport.
On a typical day over 20 pilots will be towed into the air for flights ranging from a few minutes to over 5 hours, some covering distances of over 100 and up to 300 miles.
If you decide you want to experience the joy of soaring, sign up for a discovery flight!
Our Club Fleet

Schweizer S 1-34 | N7676
Manual (pdf)
Polar MPH (pdf)
Weight & Balance (img)
Checkout (pdf)
TCDS (pdf)
Privately Owned Gliders
Many of the gliders on the field are privately owned. You’ll see many of them lined up for a launch around noon, when conditions are ideal for cross country flights. You’re welcome to come out and watch them take off on their cross country adventures of up to 500KM.
Many of these pilots complete with other pilots all around the world in the Online Soaring Contest (OLC).